View this Link for design
Website Needs:
White Logo
Service details
Staff pics and Bio
Company clients and partnerships
View this link for design
Staff pics for showcase
emails for specific forms
Employment position details
View this link for initial design
Needing: Professional shots, current and future programs, partnerships, featured editorials
-service details
View this link for initial design
Website Needs:
Service details (including properties acquired and sold)
Staff pics and Bio
Company clients and partnerships
Event list
BEyond Gaming Arena
View this link for initial design
Needing: services offered & descriptions, programs, events, about section including founder info/pics.
Events: What type of experience is going to be provided? what's need from the client to emerge into the experience?
H2 Edits: I will be adding, gaming style graphics on each page's background. Create forms and login: design and information
Bhegani Bi-Monthly Newsletter
View this link for the initial design.
Quote for Juneteenth: What Juneteenth means to Bhegani.
-Professional Head shots for all leaders and executive team
-All positions hiring BE and CCA is hiring for.
-Feature Columns
-Editorial structure
BE Blog

H2 List
Instruct client in creating a universal Link Hub for all usernames
Daily Topics
Post Schedule
BE List
Submit social media intake
Brainstorm Daily Topic Ideas
Create picture folder and upload all pics using google drive, dropbox, or wetransfer.
H2 List
New site mock up- link
Instruct client in creating a universal Link Hub for all usernames
Daily Topics
Post Schedule
BE List
Submit social media intake
Brainstorm Daily Topic Ideas
Create picture folder and upload all pics using google drive, dropbox, or wetransfer.
H2 List
Instruct client in creating a universal Link Hub for all usernames
Daily Topics
Post Schedule
BE List
Submit social media intake
Brainstorm Daily Topic Ideas
Create picture folder and upload all pics using google drive, dropbox, or wetransfer.
BEyond Gaming Arena
H2 List
Instruct client in creating a universal Link Hub for all usernames
Daily Topics
Post Schedule
BE List
Submit social media intake
Brainstorm Daily Topic Ideas
Create picture folder and upload all pics using google drive, dropbox, or wetransfer.
H2 List
Instruct client in creating a universal Link Hub for all usernames
Daily Topics
Post Schedule
BE List
Submit social media intake
Brainstorm Daily Topic Ideas
Create picture folder and upload all pics using google drive, dropbox, or wetransfer.
H2 List
Instruct client in creating a universal Link Hub for all usernames
Daily Topics
Post Schedule
BE List
Submit social media intake
Brainstorm Daily Topic Ideas
Create picture folder and upload all pics using google drive, dropbox, or wetransfer.
H2 List
Instruct client in creating a universal Link Hub for all usernames
Daily Topics
Post Schedule
BE List
Submit social media intake
Brainstorm Daily Topic Ideas
Create picture folder and upload all pics using google drive, dropbox, or wetransfer.
H2 List
Define target
Develop plan using information from concept map below
Review/ develop any targeted list
Understand your message/ get it right
Create CTA's
Develop Delivery Follow up
BE List
Submit social media intake
create list of idea investors
Create picture folder and upload all pics using google drive, dropbox, or wetransfer.